by Mr Fix It | Sep 17, 2012 | Latest News
As the cool air of the fall season approaches, new inspiration for getting creative and redecorating your home may kick in. If you are considering making a few changes to your bathroom for the upcoming holidays, you have quite a few options depending on the extent of...
by Mr Fix It | Sep 10, 2012 | Latest News
No one wants a burst pipe in the middle of winter because they forgot to perform some basic preparation in the fall months. As a homeowner, being educated and aware of how to do some basic maintenance is important. Following are 4 plumbing practices that will provide...
by Mr Fix It | Sep 3, 2012 | Dont let this happen to you
Water and sewage sent down the drain pipes in a home goes into a sewer system or a septic system. The system that is in use for your home depends on its location. A home located in the city is connected to a municipal sewer system. Homes that are outside of a city...
by Mr Fix It | Aug 30, 2012 | Latest News
You’ve got a clog in your drain and your sink or tub refuses to drain. You may be tempted to run to the store to buy a powerful, chemical drain cleaner; however, these products are often damaging to the environment, sometimes unhealthy for your plumbing and...
by Mr Fix It | Aug 23, 2012 | Latest News
It is funny how no one ever seems to think of hiring a plumber until a plumbing emergency occurs. However, the only way to obtain the best plumber in Long Beach offering the best quality services is by putting together a list of potentials right now and comparing...